That is, I love having a mess to clean up. It is one of my favorite things to do. I just love organizing things. I love the challenge and the feeling I get when I have taken something that was disorganized and made it organized.
When confronted with someone’s mess, at first it can be daunting, as there is so much to do, and I have to figure out where to start. This is where most people get stuck, and why they don’t clean up their mess, as the task feels overwhelming. But after having cleaned up hundreds of messes over many years, I am confident that I can clean up almost any mess.
Organization Game Plan
Once I know what my client wants organized, I work closely with them to straighten out the “UnstraightenedOutable.” We come up with a game plan, and we start work on it one small step at a time. Depending on the situation, sometimes I do all of the clean-up, asking them questions when I need clarification.
Organizing Skills
Most times, we do the clean-up together, so that they learn the needed organizing skills so that this messy situation does not happen again. We get a lot done together as I show them my system of organizing, and I coach them on applying this system to create order out of disorder. Knowing they have me to answer their questions to help guide them through the clean-up, they don’t feel overwhelmed anymore. They slowly gain confidence as they proceed, knowing that they can repeat the organizing procedures that I teach them, which will prevent this mess from reoccurring in the future. I leave my clients with homework, to continue doing the organizing by themselves, and to write down any questions that they may have, which we will review the next time we meet.