One of my clients has started selling some of her products to retail stores on consignment. We tried to come up with a good way to handle these sales in QuickBooks Pro.
First we opened the Estimate template by clicking on Lists, Templates. We picked an Estimate template, made a copy, and changed the name of the template to Consignment Sale. We also changed the Default Title to Consignment Sale, so that is the name her customers will see on the form.
Using this form, the items she sells on consignment do not show up as income because we used an estimate template. Once she sells some of the items, she converts the estimate to an invoice, and deletes items that she did not sell from the estimate. The problem with this is that she then needs to go back to the estimate, and delete the items that she did sell, so that the items that remain on the estimate are the ones that are still on consignment.
If my client had QuickBooks Premier, then she would be able to create a sales order for items on consignment. She could then create an invoice for selected items when those items were sold, and those items would automatically be deducted from the sales order.
So I called up Intuit, and asked them if my client could exchange her QuickBooks Pro 2016 for QuickBooks Premier 2016, and just pay the difference in cost. Even though my client purchased QuickBooks Pro 2016 from Staples, Intuit said that if she purchased the product less than 60 days ago, they would make the exchange at a cost to my client of $150 because I am a ProAdvisor She just needed to call them before the 60 day mark passed, and give them my ProAdvisor number so that she got the $150 price. Intuit said that if she called after the 60 day period, then the cost to my client would be $200 instead of $150.
My client did make the exchange, and then I showed her how to handle consignment sales using a Sales Order.